Highway Engineering
- Introduction
- Highways Materials
- Super elevation
- Stopping sight distance
- Vertical_Alignment
- Marshall_Method_of_Mix_Design
Railway Engineering
- Introduction_to_railway
- Gradient and gauges
- Curves
- Formation
- Ballast
- Rails
- Points_and_Crossing
- Widening_of_Gauge
- Signalling and interlocking
Airport Engineering
Solution to problems
- lecture 1,2,3
- lecture 3 problems solution
- lec 4 solution of problem
- lec 8,11,12 solution to class problems Railway engineering
- lec 14 solution to class problems Runway engineering
- lec 16 solution to class problem
- solution of problem sheet 1 Highways
- solution to problem sheet 2 Highways
- solution to problem sheet transportation railway assignment