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- Create Date March 25, 2020
- Last Updated March 25, 2020
Exp. 1: To verify strain in an externally loaded beam with the help of a strain gauge indicator and to verify theoretically
Exp. 2: To study behavior of different types of columns and find Euler’s buckling load for each case.
Exp. 3: To study two hinged arch for the horizontal displacement of the roller end for a given system of loading and to compare the same with those obtained analytically
Exp. 4: To study the behavior of a portal frame under different end conditions
Exp. 5: To find the value of flexural rigidity (EI) for a given beam and compare it with theoretical value.
Exp. 6: To determine the deflection of a pin connected truss analytically & graphically and verify the same experimentally.
Exp. 7: To verify the Muller Breslau theorem by using Begg’s deformator set.
Exp. 8: To verify clerk Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem
Exp. 9: To determine material fringe value by using diffused light research polariscope.
Exp. 10: To verify the moment area theorem regarding the slopes and deflections of the beam
Exp. 11: To determine the moment required to produce a given rotation (rotational stiffness) at one end of the beam when the other end is pinned