mianusman.iftikhar@hotmail.com – Seismic Consolidation https://seismicconsolidation.com The Ocean of Engineering Wed, 07 Oct 2020 09:35:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.3 https://seismicconsolidation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cropped-original-32x32.png mianusman.iftikhar@hotmail.com – Seismic Consolidation https://seismicconsolidation.com 32 32 Assistant executive engineer (Civil) FPSC PWD Past paper 2020 https://seismicconsolidation.com/assistant-executive-engineer-civil-fpsc-pwd-past-paper-2020/ https://seismicconsolidation.com/assistant-executive-engineer-civil-fpsc-pwd-past-paper-2020/#comments Sun, 04 Oct 2020 11:02:39 +0000 https://seismicconsolidation.com/?p=2923 Past paper of FPSC

Post name= Assistant executive engineer (Civil)

Department: PWD

Post case number = F4-18/2020-R

Test held on = 04/10/2020


Compiled by: Engineer Ali Ejaz & Engineer Usman Iftikhar

Special Thanks to Engineer Syed Murtaza


Note: Errors and omissions are accepted

First 20 questions were from subject of English.

  1. A _________ is a projecting stone which is usually provided to serve as support for roof truss? Course, Cornice, Corbel or Frieze, None of these
  2. The strength of brick masonry in 1:6 c/s mortar is? 50 tonnes/m2
  3. To dam up the water in river, structure provided is? Weir
  4. The amount of water in stream is called? Run off, streamflow, discharge, all
  5. Water falling in any form is called? Precipitation
  6. Barrage is? Gated weir to raise water level
  7. Thickened part of flat slab is called? Drop panel
  8. Soil pipe
  9. Yield of catchment?
  10. Waste water from kitchen, sink, shower? Sullage
  11. Impact load due to moving vehicle during service period is? Toughness
  12. Detention period in plain sedimentation tank? 4-8 hrs
  13. Lead time is called?
  14. Critical path is longest.
  15. Steady flow mass inflow w.r.t time= mass outflow w.r.t. time
  16. The type of flow where flow parameters changes w.r.t time? steady flow
  17. Bernoulli’s theorem is applicable to? Venturimeter, orificemeter, pitot tube, all
  18. The distance travelled by a moving vehicle during perception and brake reaction times, is? Sight distance, stopping distance, lag time, none
  19. Precedence diagram method? Activity on node, Activity on arrow
  20. Principal of survey is to work from? Whole to part
  21. The imaginary line passing through the intersection of cross hairs and the optical centre of the objective, is known as? Line of sight, line of collimation, axis of telescope, none
  22. Angle between inclined line of sight and horizontal is called? Direct angle, vertical angle, horizontal angle, none
  23. A line normal to plumb line is? Horizontal line, level line, datum line, vertical line
  24. Time required to perform activity is called? Duration
  25. Critical path has? Zero float
  26. Pit run aggregates?
  27. Peat soil is formed by decaying of organic vegetables.
  28. Consolidation and compressibility?
  29. Consolidation? Reduces water voids
  30. Total float? Latest finish time – early finish time or Latest start time – Early start time
  31. TS= TDS+TSS
  32. Profit, contingency is? Indirect cost, direct cost, mark up, none
  33. Earned value? Budgeted cost of work performed
  34. Cost performance index (CPI)? Earned value/ actual cost
  35. For decreasing deflection in beam? Increase its depth
  36. Equivalent length of fixed columns? 0.5L
  37. Maximum deflection in simply supported beam subjected to isolated load? y=Wl3/48El
  38. Bending moment is maximum at? Extreme fibers, compressive at top, both
  39. Two columns having unequal load, maximum hogging will occur? Where shear is 0
  40. property of earth to allow water to pass through it is known as? Perviousness, porosity, permeability, transmissibility
  41. Permanent hardness is due to? Chlorides and sulphates of magnesium and calcium
  42. Turbidity is? clarity of water
  43. Rigid pavements have? Shallow depths, low modulus of elasticity
  44. Manometer is used for? Measuring pressure in pipes and channels
  45. Ratio of lateral strain and axial strain is called? Poisson’s ratio
  46. Cantilever beam carrying UDL, the bending moment will be? Wl2/2
  47. Effective span of simple supported slab? Clear slab dimension+ half the slab depth on either side
  48. for design purpose, the moment at the support where two unequal spans or spans not equally loaded meet, is? Lesser value, greater value, average of two values, none
  49. If the end portion of a beam extends beyond the support, then the beam is known as? overhanging beam.
  50. At neutral axis of beam, shear stress is? Maximum
  51. Where curvature of bending moment diagram changes sign, it is called? point of contraflexure
  52. Survey? base line
  53. Maximum super elevation on hill roads is? 10 %
  54. Design of cantilever beam is based on? Fixed end reactions
  55. Fine particles diameter is? 0.075 mm
  56. Reynold’s number is ratio of inertial forces to? viscous forces
  57. Deformed bars are called ss due to? Roughness, high tensile strength
  58. To retain earth from slippage on hill side? Breast wall
  59. Weight per unit volume at specific temperature and pressure? Specific weight
  60. Dams are checked for stability? Overturning, tension at base, sliding, all
  61. Maximum eccentricity for non-tension is? B/6
  62. Moment of inertia of circular section?



  63. Minimum spacing between horizontal parallel reinforcement of different sizes, should not be less than? One diameter of thinner bar, One diameter of thicker bar, sum of diameters of thinner and thicker bars, twice the diameter of thinner bar
  64. In under reinforced beams? Steel will yield first
  65. Lapping of steel is done for? Shear
  66. In pavement design, the factors considered? Drainage, traffic load, all
  67. Constant traffic speed, constant density, both
  68. Covering of external walls? Coping
  69. The course laid perpendicular to face of wall is called? Header
  70. If intermediate sizes are missing, then the gradation is called? Well, gap, poor
  71. In deep beams which bars are provided? Skin, modular, lap
  72. In sufficient water in concrete causes? Harsh mix, low workability, both
  73. Fine soil has following properties? Have more compressibility, have more voids, may or may not be plastic, all
  74. Which one is not correct? Timber is used as bracing in pits, grillage foundation is shallow, none
  75. A body is said to be in equilibrium if? Sum of vertical forces= 0, sum of horizontal forces = 0, sum of moment = 0, all
  76. At the interference of between two immiscible fluids, forces develop in fluid which the surface has to behave as if it is membrane, this phenomenon is called? viscosity, capillary, surface tension
  77. In transition curve? Radius starts from infinity to simple circular curve
  78. The water content where reduction in moisture content will result in no volume reduction? Shrinkage limit


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Assistant Executive Engineer PWD FPSC Past paper 2019 https://seismicconsolidation.com/assistant-executive-engineer-pwd-fpsc-past-paper-2019/ https://seismicconsolidation.com/assistant-executive-engineer-pwd-fpsc-past-paper-2019/#respond Sat, 03 Oct 2020 13:10:23 +0000 https://seismicconsolidation.com/?p=2918
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Assistant Director Engineering (Civil) Gujranwala Development Authority PPSC https://seismicconsolidation.com/assistant-director-engineering-civil-gujranwala-development-authority-ppsc/ https://seismicconsolidation.com/assistant-director-engineering-civil-gujranwala-development-authority-ppsc/#comments Tue, 29 Sep 2020 05:54:12 +0000 https://seismicconsolidation.com/?p=2913 Past paper of PPSC

Post name= Assistant Director Engineering (Civil)

Department: Gujranwala Development Authority

No. of posts: 2

Post case number = 13-RE/2019

Test held on = 16/11/2019

 Compiled by: Engr. Usman Iftikhar

Note: Errors and omissions are accepted

Construction Materials

  1. Hardest rock is: Diamond.
  2. Rock having highest crushing strength: Granite, slate, sandstone
  3. Rapid hardening cement has high percentage of: Tri-calcium silicate
  4. Main component of brick is:
  5. Water absorption of 1st class bricks should be less than: 20%.
  6. More cohesiveness of concrete makes it: less liable to segregation.
  7. Specific weight of RCC is taken as: 2400 Kg / m3.
  8. Inert material in concrete is:
  9. Ore having one mineral is called: homogenous, mono-minerallic, poly minerallic, non-homogeneous
  10. Timber shows maximum strength when placed: parallel to grains


  1. Whole Circle Bearing is taken from: North to Clock-wise

Fluid mechanics & Hydraulics

  1. Pressure intensity at depth h from top is: wh.
  2. Venturi head
  3. Horizontal component of force of buoyancy is:
  4. Ф- index is 2 mm / hour and rain (6 cm) remains for 10 hours. Which will be effective run-off: 4 cm.
  5. Depth of flow at uniform flow rate: normal depth.
  6. Unit hydrograph has one unit of rainfall excess, rainfall duration, time base of direct runoff, discharge
  7. Pitot Tube measures:
  8. Piezometer measures: Gauge pressure.
  9. Absolute pressure is: Atmospheric P + Gauge P.
  10. When reservoir is full of water, maximum compression occurs at: toe, heel.

(When reservoir is empty, compression occurs at heel).

  1. Qmax for circular pipe occurs when depth is ___ of diameter: 95.
  2. The resultant pressure of water will act at h/3 distance from base of dam.
  3. Hydraulic grade line represents. Sum of static head, dynamic head, total head
  4. Initial recharge of basin is equal to:

Interception, depression storage, water absorbed due to moisture deficiency, all


  1. To increase bearing capacity of soil in case of black cotton soil (organic soil): Increasing depth, compaction, replacing poor soil.
  2. Raft footing is used when area of isolated footing is more than __ of total plan area of building: 50%.
  3. In CD test for normally consolidated soils, volume: remains constant, decreases, increases.
  4. Which quantity is dimensionless: Specific Gravity, specific mass, specific weight, specific volume
  5. Determine Specific gravity from pycnometer test:


W1= weight of pycnometer

W2= weight of pycnometer + soil

W3= weight of pycnometer + water+ soil

W4= weight of pycnometer + water

  1. Ratio of volume of water to volume of voids is called: Degree of saturation.
  2. Angle of repose is angle of outer surface of soil with: Horizontal.
  3. When soil in-situ is compacted to maximum level then relative density is: Unity.
  4. Along horizontal curve if centrifugal force exceeds lateral friction, vehicle may skid, slip, not be affected, none
  5. Find dry density if bulk density is_____ and moisture content is ____%
  6. Coefficient of earth pressure at rest is
  7. a) less than active earth pressure but greater than passive earth pressure,
  8. b) greater than active earth pressure but less than passive earth pressure
  9. c) greater than both active and passive
  10. d) less than both active and passive

K0=1-sin φ=1-sin30=0.5

Ka=1-sin φ/1+sin φ=1-sin 30/1+sin 30=0.33

Kp=1+sin φ/1-sin φ=1+sin 30/1-sin 30= 3

Building Construction

  1. Highest point of sloping line where two slopes meet is called: Apex
  2. In flat roof of RCC, the recommended angle of slope is, zero, 10 deg, 100 deg, few degrees.
  3. Which one of the following factors is considered for the orientation of buildings:
  4. a) the direction of the prevailing winds in the area
  5. b) the exposure of the walls and roof of the buildings to the rays of sun
  6. c) the extent up to which the sunrays penetrate with the verandah
  7. d) all of above
  8. Bonds in which width of brick is parallel to wall face:
  9. Temporary platform used for workers to stand:
  10. Frog of brick is made at: Top side
  11. Brick mold is made ____ than brick size: slightly more, equal, 10% more. (Little large to specified size)
  12. Vertical DPC is measured in units: m2.
  13. Stretcher bond is used for 10 cm thick wall.
  14. Arrangement of supports provided underneath existing structures is called underpinning.
  15. A brick which is half as wide as full brick is queen closer
  16. The brick bond in which each course consists of both header and stretcher bond is called Flemish bond
  17. Member which supports covering of truss roof is called

Member which supports rafter is called purlin

Structural Analysis

  1. Maximum moment of beam of length (L) subjected to UDL (w) is: wL2/8.
  2. Moment of inertia of triangle about centroidal axis parallel to base of triangle is: bh3/36.
  3. Torque depends upon: force, direction, position of force from origin, All.
  4. Maximum shear stresses in rectangular section is ___ of average: 5.

(Maximum shear stresses in circular section is ___ of average: 1.33)

  1. For zero tension in rectangular area, force should have eccentricity less than: B/6. (B/3-B/6)

Construction Management

  1. Critical path in a network is: Always Longest. (Duration is shortest)
  2. If total float is zero then: Free Float = 0, Independent Float = 0,
  3. Activity represented by dotted lines is:
  4. Economic saving of time results by crashing a) cheapest critical activity b) cheapest non-critical activity c) expensive critical activity d) expensive non-critical activity


  1. Minimum size of longitudinal bar for column should not be less than: 12 mm.
  2. Maximum area of steel in beam in percentage: 4 %.

(Maximum reinforcement for beams is 4% and minimum value is 0.8% but it is preferable to provide a value between 1.5-2.5%.

Maximum reinforcement for column is 6% and minimum value is 0.8%.)

  1. The percentage of minimum reinforcement of the gross sectional area in slabs, is: 15 %.

(According to ZA Siddiqui 0.18% for 420 MPa, 0.2% for 280 MPa)

  1. Compressive strength of 3-inch cube is ________ to 6-inch cube. More, less, equal
  2. The diameter of the main reinforcement in a slab is 16 mm, the cover to main bars is 12mm, 13mm, 14 mm, 16 mm
  3. RCC column is treated as long if its slenderness ratio is greater than 50 (India bix)

RCC column is treated as long if its slenderness ratio is greater than 80 (Khurmi)


  1. When an upgradient of a highway meets a downgradient, the vertical curve provided is known as: valley curve, sag curve, Summit curve. all
  2. Softening point of bitumen for working where temperature is 40 is: more than 40oC, less than, equal to
  3. Tensile stresses in concrete pavement are due to: temperature changes, wheel loading, all.
  4. If road width is 12.5 m and outer edge of road is raised 50 cm, then super-elevation will be? 50/(100*12.5)= 1 in 25


  1. Lining of irrigation canals ____ water-logging: Decrease.
  2. Ratio of rate of change of discharge in outlet to rate of change of discharge in distributary is:
  3. Lacey’s scour depth formula: 47 * (Q/f)1/3.
  4. Most efficient open channel cross section is

General Knowledge

  1. Two objects moving in same direction has distance of 1 m after 1 sec and distance of 5 m when moving towards each other. What is their speed: 2 m/s & 3 m/s.
  2. Bullet of 200 g is fired at 25 m/s. Gun has weight 10 Kg. which is velocity of coil: 5 m/s.
  3. Two surfaces (AB & BC) are inclined at 30 and 60 degrees respectively. Normal reaction in case of AB is ___ than BC: Lesser, greater, equal
  4. Curve symmetric on both sides is: Skew, uni-nodal, normal, none
  5. One Newton force is required to accelerate one kilogram of mass at 1m/s2
  6. Ottawa convention 1997 occurred: to stop personnel mining.
  7. Head-quarter of Arab league shifted from Cairo to ____ in 1979:

Egypt was reinstated as a member of the Arab league in 1989 and the league’s HQ returned to Cairo in 1990.

  1. Infection of liver is called:
  2. Polio is a ____ disease: Viral.
  3. Shift+F10 for displaying shortcut menu for selected item.
  4. Manama is capital of: Bahrain.
  5. Oldest anthem of the world is: Iran, Japan. (Netherland oldest)
  6. Geneva is a famous city of:
  7. Which Pakistani conquered Mount Everest for 1st time: Nazir Sabir.
  8. Flying horse of Asia is title of: Samiullah
  9. First football world cup was held at:
  10. Every cloud has ____ lining:
  11. Synonym of adhere is: Stick.
  12. Operating system can’t perform: software development, job accounting, program loading,
  13. PPP was formed by: None of these (Zulfiqar Bhutto formed PPP).
  14. 3x-4 = 11 then (3x – 4)2 = ____: 22
  15. A train passes a tower and a bridge 264 m long in 8 and 20 seconds respectively. Find the speed: 79.2 m/s.
  16. “Poo Bara Hona” means: Waary Niary Hona.
  17. “Marg-e-Mafajaat” means: Be-basi ki Maut.
  18. The articles in 1973 constitution of Pakistan are: 280
  19. When a ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 49 m/s, how much time will it take to return? 49/9.81= 5 s, 5+5=10s



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Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) FPSC Railway Past Paper https://seismicconsolidation.com/assistant-executive-engineer-civil-fpsc-railway-past-paper/ https://seismicconsolidation.com/assistant-executive-engineer-civil-fpsc-railway-past-paper/#comments Sat, 26 Sep 2020 14:53:17 +0000 https://seismicconsolidation.com/?p=2905 Past paper of FPSC

Post name= Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil)

Department: Ministry of Railway

No. of posts: Total posts=15, Punjab= 5

Post case number = F4/214/2019

Test held on = 08/01/2020

Compiled by: Engr. Usman Iftikhar


Calculator was allowed in this test.

Errors and omissions are accepted.


First 20 questions were from English sentence structuring etc.

  1. The Westergaard analysis is used for: a) sandy soils b) cohesive soils c) stratified soils d) clayey soil
  2. Value of B=(6+10/2+5^2)/2 =? 18
  3. Ground freezing is a) construction dewatering technique b) permanent dewatering technique c) electrical osmosis
  4. Synonym of neutral is? unbiased
  5. Synonym of amucus curiare?
  6. Cause of action means? factor set of facts that is sufficient to justify legal action
  7. Synonym of embezzle is? misappropriate
  8. Synonym of dilemma is? difficult situation
  9. Contingency is? conditional, dependent, both
  10. Synonym of paradigm? is pattern
  11. Horizontal and vertical angles in survey are not measured by? a) theodolite b) total station c) sight level d) none
  12. Test not preferred for freshly mixed concrete is?segregation, compaction factor, slump, ductility
  1. Slump value for good structural concrete is? 90-120 mm
  2. Back sight is the first reading in theodolite survey.
  3. When instrument is shifted, it is called? change point
  4. In survey, station is a?
  5. Traverse survey is preferred in establishing? control network
  6. Two peg test is used for? checking or recalibrating the level or transit
  7. Optimum moisture content is obtained from? standard proctor test
  8. Clay is an example of? aquifer, aquitard, aquiclude, none
  9. Sheet foot roller is used for? cohesive soils
  10. Asphalt rolling thin film test is used for? This test is used to measure the combined effects of heat and air on a thin film of bitumen or bituminous binder in permanent renewal.
  1. Flownet comprises of? flow lines and equipotential lines
  2. Hydraulic gradient of sandy soil is equal to 1, then flow condition shows? quick sand
  3. Perched water table occurs in? consolidated region, saturated region, vadose zone etc
  4. Deviator stress is? sigma1-sigma3
  5. In unconfined compressive strength test? sigma3=0
  6. Void ratio vs log stress graph slope gives? coefficient of consolidation, Cv, Cc
  7. From activity chart diagram, answer the questions, (30-34)
  8. Critical path
  9. Free float
  10. Earliest start time
  11. Activity name on arrow network diagram
  12. Activity name on node network diagram
  13. Calculate effective stress from the slope diagram. 2 questions
  14. Find effective stress at point A. Soil unit weight above the water table is 123 pcf and below the water table is 120 pcf. Point is located 20 feet below water table. Height of soil above water table is 14’
  15. Yielding occurs on ultimate load in? under/over reinforced beams
  16. Tensile strength of concrete is measured by? modulus of rupture
  17. Method by which we can find air content of freshly mixed concrete is by? pressure and volumetric method
  18. Which one is not method of concrete mix design?
  19. When distance between 2 stations is equal it is called? balancing station
  20. Normal consistency of cement is measured by? Vicat apparatus
  21. Convert square foot to acres and then find per acre price.
  22. Finding road front side by using Pythagoras theorem
  23. Finding height of pole by using Pythagoras theorem
  24. By using (a+b/2)bh find area
  25. Few questions from stress strain graph of mild steel e.g. % elongation, ductility, modulus of elasticity,
  26. Find value of fineness modulus of coarse-grained soil from table
  27. Algorithm, program, software, which of these consists of series of calculations and then problem is solved.
  28. Find D10, Cu, Cc from values of D10, D30, D60
  29. Cold mixed asphalt is used for heavy traffic, low traffic
  30. P=I2R formula
  31. Mortar is mixture of? cement, sand, water
  32. SPT values for counting number of blows is for depth? of last 12” penetration
  33. Triaxial test is used for computation of? shear parameters
  34. Factor to be considered for bending of sheets is its? ductility
  35. If a labour takes 50 $ per hour for excavation and 2 labors are hired and they will work for 8 hrs per day. How many days will they take for salary of 4000$ = 5 days
  36. Few questions from excel sheets
  37. Beam was given and shear force, bending moment was to be calculated.
  38. T beam was given and numerical was to be solved.
  39. Under reinforced beam was given and numerical was to be solved.




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Municipal Officer (Infrastructure & Services) PPSC https://seismicconsolidation.com/municipal-officer-infrastructure-services-ppsc/ https://seismicconsolidation.com/municipal-officer-infrastructure-services-ppsc/#comments Wed, 16 Sep 2020 14:32:08 +0000 https://seismicconsolidation.com/?p=2899 Past paper of PPSC

Post name= Municipal Officer (Infrastructure)

Post case number = 131-RG/2019

Test held on = 19/10/2019

Compiled by: Engineer Usman Iftikhar

Note: Errors and omissions are accepted.

  1. Wood strong in both tension and compression is: hard wood, soft wood, both
  2. Example of soft wood used in construction: deodar, oak, saal, sheeshum
  3. Thermal coefficient is highest for: Steel Copper Brass Aluminum, steel, brass, copper
  4. Emulsion paints consists of: Zinc oxide, Magnesium oxide, Polyvinyl acetate, White lead.
  5. Good Timber elastic modulus: 9800-12600 MPa
  6. Density of light weight timber: a) 5.5 kN/m3 b) less than 2.5 c) 2.5 d) less than 5.5kN/m3
  7. Material added for making light weight mortar: wood chips.
  8. The major constituent in bricks is: Lime, Magnesia, Alumina, Silica.
  9. FRP means: Fiber Reinforced Polymer.
  10. In triangulation method the whole area is divided into: Right angle triangles, Acute triangles, Obtuse triangle, Well conditioned triangles.
  11. Transition curve is provided between: Horizontal and Circular.
  12. Law of conservation of mass in fluid mechanics is based on: Maxwell theorem, Bernoulli’s theorem, Gauss’s Theorem, Laplace Theorem.
  13. Inviscid rotational flow is: Steady, Uniform, Potential
  14. Non-Newtonian Flow is: Viscous flow, Time independent viscous flow, Time dependant viscous flow, All of these.
  15. Head loss is minimum in case of: Broad crested weir, Ogee type fall, Sharp crested weir.
  16. Top most level of weir is called: crest.
  17. The overflowing sheet of water is called: a) head b) nappe c) upstream d) crest
  18. If dam is empty the tension stresses will be: Heel, Toe
  19. Rotary boring is also known as: a) Core boring, b) Wash boring, c) Percussion boring d) pit boring
  20. The deflection effect is mostly in flexible pavements is on: Subgrade, Sub-base, Base, Wearing coarse.
  21. The strength in case of flexible pavements can be increased by the overlay of: Concrete, Hot mix asphalt, Both, None.
  22. Which material cannot be used in asphalt mix: Clay, Plastic silt, sand, gravel.
  23. The electrical resistivity method is based on measurement of: Potential Drop, Voltage, Specific Resistance,
  24. Small shear stress is determined by: Cyclic triaxial test, Cyclic direct test, Resonant Column, reminant test.
  25. Pier foundation is known as: Cassion foundation, Box foundation, Bridge foundation, Culvert foundation.
  26. Which of following causes stresses in sleepers? A)eccentric vertical loads, b) contact shear stress of wheel and rail c) lateral deflection of sleepers d) track components
  27. In case of embankments/banks the LL should be: <70%
  28. If the clay content is increased the Plasticity Index: Increase, Decrease, Constant.
  29. Density of rails in case of narrow gauge is (kg/cm3): 30, 50, 70.
  30. The shear stress of soil samples determine in the field can be by: SPT, CPT Pressure meter, Dilatometer.
  31. In Direct shear test the sample should be: Disturbed, Relatively Undisturbed, Both, None.
  32. The ball moving the fluid is the example of: Stokes law.
  33. First stage of parking lot is: Acceptance, Entrance, Storage, Delivery.
  34. Energy saved in recycling of steel is: 75%
  35. Foundations in case of machines are designed for loading: Static, Dynamic, Static and dynamic,
  36. Average size of silt on gradation curve: 011 mm.
  37. Kaoline has bond: Hydrogen bond
  38. Ultimate bearing capacity divided by FOS: safe bearing capacity.
  39. Porosity % of gravels: 30-40
  40. Crack detector in construction machinery is?
  41. When the soil is in the state of stress, it is said to be in a) constant state b) plastic equilibrium c) stress conditioned state d) equilibrium condition
  42. If rain intensity and area of rainfall is given, determine the pavement discharge. Ans 3.6 cumecs
  43. The other name of moment distribution method is Castigliono, Hardy cross method, Maxwell method,
  44. Ratio of Lateral strain and longitudinal strain is known as: Poisson’s ratio.
  45. Volumetric strain is 3 times of: Linear strain, Lateral, None.
  46. Trusses are not in one plane: Plain trusses, Bridge Foot trusses, Space trusses,
  47. Trusses have stresses: Direct stresses, Tensile stresses, Compression stresses, Bending stresses.
  48. Tension area is located if the reference is taken as neutral axis: Bottom, Top, Mid, N.A.
  49. The drag/pick points in case of circle in autocad are: 2, 3, 4, 5.
  50. In analysis moment of area is considered along the axis of: Rotation, Symmetry, Area, Reference.
  51. The elastic properties of a material similar in all direction: Anisotropic Isotropic.
  52. The mechanical property of the materials used in construction is: Specific volume, Elasticity,
  53. The energy stored in elastic zone is: Resilience, Ductility, Toughness.
  54. Strain under sustained load is called: creep.
  55. Limit of proportionality depends upon a) area of cross section b) type of loading c)type of material d) all
  56. The bending moment at internal span of slab is: Wl2/8 Wl2/4 Wl2/12 Wl2/24.
  57. In which beam tension capacity of steel is greater than combined compression capacity of steel and concrete? A) Over reinforced b) under reinforced c) singly reinforced d) doubly reinforced
  58. Joint provided at the end of day is: Construction, Compression, Tension.
  59. Continuous beams are: indeterminate.
  60. Radius of gyration of circular plate having diameter 10 cm is: 2.5 cm.
  61. Bond between concrete and steel is developed due to? friction
  62. Conflict between stakeholders and client can be resolved by: Criminal law, Government law, Corporate law, None of these.
  63. Major resources during execution of the construction project is: Manpower, Machinery, Material, Money.
  64. Technical aspects of project are important for estimating: schedule, rates, quantities.
  65. The construction drawings are important for contractor during bidding is important to check the: Rate, Quantities, scope.
  66. The small construction projects are written in FIDIC Book: Red Book, Grey Book, Green Book, Yellow Book.
  67. The Built Operate and transfer (BOT) contract is in which FIDIC Book: Brown/Gold Book, Orange Book, Green Book, Yellow Book.
  68. The risk in case of risk-sharing project is shared by the: Client, Contractor, Both a and b, None of these.
  69. Depreciation for construction machinery is calculated for
    1. rebuild b) replace c) repair d) all
  70. BOD is: Zero order reaction, 1st order reaction 2nd order reaction, 3rd order reaction.
  71. Species extinction is reducing due to: Noise pollution, Air pollution, water pollution, All.
  72. Maximum head loss in which grid filter is washed is: 1.5, 2.0, 5, 3.
  73. In sewage treatment, reaction depends upon: pH.
  74. The depletion of resources is construction project is due to: Fast consumed, Slow consumed, Uniform consumed, Normal replacement.
  75. Environment protection is responsibility of a) govt b) individual c) organization d) all
  76. Scouring and silting is minimum in case of: Barrage, Weir, Dam, Reservoir.
  77. The scour depth can be determined by the: Lacey, Rankine, Terzaghi.
  78. Over-head irrigation is called: central pivot irrigation.
  79. Micro-irrigation is also called: localized irrigation
  80. Fakhta urana ka matlab kya?
  81. Kis sher ki amad hai k run kaanp raha hai. Is me “run” se kya muraad hai? Maidaan
  82. Which one is the lowest fraction?
  83. If 12 years are added to two third of present age, the age after 3 years will be thirty. What is the present age? 27
  84. which vitamin is soluble in water? Vitamin B
  85. how many members of European union states? 28
  86. Qutbudin aibak ka mazaar kahan hai? Lahore
  87. in which game refree is head chair a) tennis b) badminton c) table tennis d) none
  88. last king of Lodhi dynasty was a) Ibrahim lodhi
  89. convert into passive voice “She is riding the horse”
  90. in relay race baton is used
  91. Quran pak was recited to Holy Prophet PBUH by which sahaba? Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit RA
  92. Mozu Hadees
  93. GFFA (Global forum for food and agriculture) in 2018 was held in? Berlin
  94. The Relicof the tooth of Buddha is venerated in Sri Lanka as a cetiya relic of Gautama Buddha, on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.
  95. In Microsoft 2016 loosely spacing option is not present
  96. Microsoft excel consists of worksheets
  97. Elections 1970
  98. Role of Mr. Jinnah in film Jinnah was presented by: Christopher Lee

FIDIC contract books colors

Short forms of contract = Green

Conditions of Contract for Construction For Building and Engineering works designed by the Employer = Red

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build = Yellow

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey = orange

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects = silver

Conditions of Contract for Design, Build and Operate Projects (BOT) = Grey

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ZILLEDAR POST IRRIGATION https://seismicconsolidation.com/zilledar-post-irrigation/ https://seismicconsolidation.com/zilledar-post-irrigation/#respond Wed, 16 Sep 2020 14:26:24 +0000 https://seismicconsolidation.com/?p=2896 ZILLEDAR POST IRRIGATION


The Emergence of Pakistan by CHAUDHRI MUHAMMAD ALI / Research Society of Pakistan University of the Punjab

In geometry, a hexagon (from Greek ἕξ hex, “six” and γωνία, gonía, “corner, angle”) is a six-sided polygon or 6-gon.

United Nations/Founded

October 24, 1945, San Francisco, California, United States

Abundance of elements in Earth’s crust at 2nd no is

Rank Z Element
1 8 oxygen
2 14 Silicon

On the “Home” tab of the Ribbon, click the “Multilevel Lists” button,

English Channel, also called The Channel, French La Manche, narrow arm of the Atlantic Ocean separating the southern coast of England from the northern coast of France

Greenland Islands 100,000 km2 (38,600 sq mi) and greater

Rank Island Area (sq mi)
1 Greenland (main island) 822,700


The Cape of Good Hope is a rocky headland on the Atlantic coast of the Cape Peninsula in South Africa.

The Santiago General Cemetery in Santiago, Chile, is one of the largest cemeteries in Latin America with an estimated two million burials.

Charles Cornwallis is known as ‘the Father of civil service in India

which gazwa took place in 2ah        UHUD BATTLE

Gomal Zam Dam is a multi-purpose gravity dam in South Waziristan Agency of Federally Administered Tribal Areas, 

Barcelona, the cosmopolitan capital of  Spain’s Catalonia region, is known for its art and architecture

ALU and CU are the heart of the CPU

If you have the Formatting toolbar displayed (as most people do), then pressing Ctrl+Shift+P selects the Font Size

Derawar Fort, is a large square fortress in Ahmadpur East Tehsil, Punjab, Pakistan. Approximately 130 km south of the city of Bahawalpur,

UNICEF/Headquarters       New York, New York, United States

capital of spain    MADRID

The name Zamzam originates from the phrase –Zomë-Zomë meaning “stop flowing

rocky part of earth’s crust

Dynamite/Inventor   Alfred Nobel

formosa OLD NAME OF      (taiwan)                          

barcelona is capital of    SPAIN                                 

Correct spelling of         victory

Oss perna ka urdu tarjama ‘’shabnam perna’’

Killat ka ult lafz    ‘kasraat’’

Lieutenant General Akhtar Hussain Malik (died 22 August 1969) was a distinguished General, a war hero of Pakistan Army in the Indo-Pakistan war of 1965.

Carthage was the capital city of the ancient Carthaginian civilization, on the eastern side of the Lake of Tunis in what is now Tunisia

10 December  Human Rights Day 2020

Gestapoo is police of       Germany

Kiswah (Arabic: كسوة الكعبة‎, kiswat al-ka’bah) is the cloth that covers the Kaaba in Mecca

Provincial elections were held in British India in the winter of 1936-37 as mandated by the Government of India Act 1935.

In December 1916, AIML and Congress met in Lucknow. It was due to untiring efforts of Jinnah that the Congress “agreed to separate electorate, for the first and the last time”. 5 To applaud these efforts of Jinnah, he was given the title of ‘Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity’ by Sarojni Naidu.

In Bhutan, archery is a national sport

he Japanese religious tradition is made up of several major components, including Shinto, Japan’s earliest religion, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Christianity has been only a minor movement in Japan.

The Great Bear Lake is a lake in the Canadian boreal forest

Bicameralism introduced in     1973 ZA BHUTTO

How many hadith did Aisha narrate?      2,210 hadiths


First Round Table Conference (November 1930 – January 1931) The Round Table Conference officially inaugurated by His Majesty George V on November 12, 1930 in Royal Gallery House of Lords at London and chaired by the Prime Ministe


Nai Gaj Dam is an embankment dam currently under construction on the Gaj River in the gorge area at the edge of Kirthar Mountains range at about 65 kilometres north-west of Dadu city in Dadu District, Sindh Province of Pakistan



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Jr. Engineer (Civil) WAPDA GM (C&M ) Water Conducted by PTS https://seismicconsolidation.com/jr-engineer-civil-wapda-gm-cm-water-conducted-by-pts/ https://seismicconsolidation.com/jr-engineer-civil-wapda-gm-cm-water-conducted-by-pts/#respond Wed, 16 Sep 2020 14:19:25 +0000 https://seismicconsolidation.com/?p=2892  

Jr. Engineer (Civil) WAPDA GM (C&M ) Water Conducted by PTS





  1. Lacquer paints
  • are generally applied on structural steel
  • are less durable as compared to enamel paints
  • consist of resin and nitro-cellulose
  • contain alcohol as thinner
  • all the above


  1. Pick up the polymineralic rock from the following:
  • uartz sand
  • Pure gypsum
  • Magnesite
  • Granite
  • None of these.


  1. For the manufacture of Portland cement, the proportions of raw materials used, are
  • lime 63% ; silica 22% ; other ingredients 15%
  • lime 22% ; silica 63% ; other ingredients 15%
  • silica 40% ; lime 40% ; other ingredients 20%
  • silica 70% ; lime 20% ; other ingredients 10%.


  1. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
  • soft stones are required for carving
  • light stones are required for arches
  • hard stones are required to stand high pressure
  • All the above.


  1. The minimum water content at which the soil retains its liquid state and also possesses a small shearing strength against flowing, is known
  • Liquid limit
  • plastic limit
  • shrinkage limit
  • Permeability limit.
  1. Dado is usually provided in
  • dining halls
  • bath rooms
  • living rooms
  • verandas
  • roofs


  1. The 9 cm x 9 cm side of a brick as seen in the wall face, is generally known as
  • Stretcher
  • Face
  • Front
  • Header
  • Side


  1. The under surface of an arch, is called
  • Soffit
  • Intrados
  • Haunch


  1. The process of making the back ground rough, before plastering, is
  • Dubbing
  • Hacking
  • Blistering
  • Peeling


  1. The angular steps used for changing direction of the stairs, are called
  • Round steps
  • Angular steps
  • Winders
  • Radial steps
  • Circular steps


  1. The line of intersection of the surfaces of a sloping roof forming an external angle exceeding 180°, is
  • Ridge
  • Hip
  • Valley
  • None of these


  1. A wooden block hinged on post outside a door, is known
  • Cleat
  • Stop
  • Horn
  • None of these


  1. If 1500 g of water is required to have a cement paste 1875 g of normal consistency, the percentage of water is,
  • 20%
  • 25%
  • 30%
  • 35%
  • 40%


  1. For given water content, workability decreases if the concrete aggregates contain an excess of
  • thin particles
  • flat particles
  • elongated particles
  • flaky particles
  • All the above.


  1. After casting, an ordinary cement concrete on drying
  • Expands
  • Mix
  • Shrinks
  • None of these


  1. Hydration of cement is due to chemical action of water with
  • Tricalcium silicate and dicalcium silicate
  • Dicalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate
  • Tricalcium aluminate and tricalcium alumino ferrite
  • All the above.



  1. Proper proportioning of concrete, ensures
  • desired strength and workability
  • desired durability
  • water tightness of the structure
  • resistance to water
  • all the above


  1. The bulk density of aggregates does not depend upon:
  • size and shape of aggregates
  • specific gravity of aggregates
  • grading of aggregates
  • size and shape of the container
  • None of these.


  1. Curing
  • reduces the shrinkage of concrete
  • preserves the properties of concrete
  • prevents the loss of water by evaporation
  • All of the above.
  1. Pick up the correct proportions of chemical ingredients of cement
  • Lime : Silica : Alumina : Iron oxide : 63 : 22 : 6 : 3
  • Silica : Lime : Alumina : Iron oxide : 63 : 22 : 6 : 3
  • Alumina : Silica : Lime : Iron oxide : 63 : 22 : 6 : 3
  • Iron oxide : Alumina : Silica : Lime : 63 : 22 : 6 : 3
  1. Slump test is measure of

mobility ,

consistency ,




  1. The strength and quality of concrete, depend upon:
  • grading of aggregates
  • surface area of aggregates
  • shape of aggregates
  • surface texture of aggregates
  • all the above.


  1. The process of mixing, transporting, placing and compacting concrete using Ordinary Port land Cement should not take more than
  • 30 minutes
  • 40 minutes
  • 60 minutes
  • 75 minutes
  • 90 minutes.


  1. If 50 kg of fine aggregates and 100 kg of coarse agregates are mixed in a concrete whose water cement ratio is 0.6, the weight of water required for harsh mix, is
  • 8 kg
  • 10 kg
  • 12 kg
  • 14 kg
  • 15 kg


  1. The bulk density of aggregates, depends upon
  • Shape
  • Grading
  • Compaction
  • all the above.


  1. ‘Ware house pack’ of cement means
  • full capacity of the ware house
  • pressure exertion of the bags of upper layers
  • pressure compaction of the bags on lower layers
  • packing the ware house
  • none of these.


  1. The stereo plotting instruments are generally manufactured on the principle of
  • optical projection
  • optical mechanism projection
  • mechanical projection
  • all the above.


  1. The relief displacement of a minar 72 m high on photograph is 7.2 mm and its top appears 10 cm away from principal point. The flying height of the camera, is
  • 500 m
  • 1000 m
  • 1500 m
  • 2000 m.
  1. Prandtl mixing length is
  • applicable to laminar flow problems.
  • a universal constant.
  • zero at the pipe wall. 
  • none of these.


  1. An inverted siphon is a
  • device for distributing septic tank effluent to a soil absorption system
  • device-for preventing overflow from elevated water storage tank
  • device for preventing crown corrosion of sewer
  • section of sewer which is dropped below the hydraulic grade line in order to avoid an obstacle.


31.Water emerges from an ogee spillway with velocity 13.72 m/s and depth = 3.0 m at its toe. The tail water depth required to form a hydraulic jump at the toe is

  • 48 m
  • 24 m
  • 24 m
  • 24 m


32.The specific gravity of paving bitumen as per IS:73-1992 lies between

  • 10 and 1.06
  • 06 and 1.02
  • 02 and 0.97
  • 97 and 0.92


  1. Pascal-second is unit of

kinematic &

dynamic velocity

  1. Effective length of a rafter member between two nodes at a distance L, perpendicular to the plane of the truss, is :
  • 00 L
  • 85
  • 50
  • 00 L


  1. The Prandtl mixing length for turbulent flow through pipes is
  • independent of shear stress
  • a universal constant
  • zero at the pipe wall
  • independent of radial distance from pipe axis


  1. Lysimeter and Tensiometer are used to measure respectively, one of the following groups of quantities:
  • Capillary potential and permeability
  • Evapotranspiration and capillary potential
  • Velocity in channels and vapour pressure
  • Velocity in pipes and pressure head


  1. A lysimeter is used to measure :
  • infiltration
  • evaporation
  • evapotranspiration
  • radiation


  1. Presence of excess nitrates in river water indicates :
  • recent pollution of water with sewage
  • past pollution of water with sewage
  • immediate pollution of water with sewage
  • no pollution of water with sewage


  1. At highway stretches where the required overtaking sight distance cannot be provided, it is necessary to incorporate :
  • at least twice the stopping sight distance
  • half the required overtaking sight distance
  • one-third the required overtaking sight distance
  • three times the stopping sight distance


  1. Two footings, one circular and the other square, are founded on the surface of a purely cohesion less soil. The diameter of the circular footing is same as that of the side of the square footing. The ratio of their ultimate bearing capacities is
  • 3/4
  • 4/3
  • 0
  • 3


41.The ordinate of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH) of a catchment at any time t, is

  • The slope of the 1-hour unit hydrograph at that time
  • The slope of the direct runoff unit hydrograph at that time
  • Difference in the slope of the S-curve and 1-hour unit hydrograph
  • The slope of the S-curve with effective rainfall intensity of 1 cm/hr


  1. For the determination of earth pressure, Coulomb’s wedge theory assumes that:
  • the back of wall is smooth and vertical
  • the soil is non-homogeneous and anisotropic
  • the slip surface is circular
  • the wall surface is rough


  1. The two criteria for the determination of allowable bearing capacity of a foundation are
  • tensile failure and compression failure.
  • tensile failure and settlement.
  • bond failure and shear failure.
  • shear failure and settlement.


44.The unit weight of a soil at zero air voids depends on :

  • specific gravity
  • water content
  • unit weight of water
  • all the above


  1. The shape of clay particle is usually
  • angular
  • flaky
  • tubular
  • round
  1. A test plate 30 cm x 30 cm resting on a sand deposit settles by 10 mm under a certain loading intensity. A footing 150 cm x 200 cm resting on the same sand deposit and loaded to the same load intensity settles by
  • 0 mm
  • 8 mm
  • 02 mm
  • 0 mm


  1. At critical depth in open channels
  • for a given specific energy, discharge is maximum
  • for a given discharge, specific energy is maximum
  • discharge is minimum for a given specific energy
  • discharge is maximum for a given specific force


  1. Group symbols assigned to silty sand and clayey sand are respectively
  • SS and CS
  • SM and CS
  • SM and SC
  • MS and CS


  1. The maximum area of compression reinforcement in a beam of cross section B x D is limited to
  • 02 BD
  • 03 BD
  • 04 BD
  • 05 BD


  1. A doubly reinforced concrete beam has effective cover d’ to the centre of compression reinforcement. xu is the depth of neutral axis, and d is the effective depth to the centre of tension reinforcement. What is the maximum strain in concrete at the level of compression reinforcement?
  • 0035 (1 – d’/d)
  • 0035(1 – d’/xu)
  • 002(1 – d’/xu)
  • 002(1 – d’/d)


  1. A continuous beam shall be deemed to be a deep beam if the ratio of its effective span to overall depth, is
  • 0
  • 5
  • less than 2
  • less than 2.5


  1. Pick up the correct statement regarding columns.
    The cross sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement, should not be less than 0.8% nor more than 4% of its gross sectional area
  • The minimum of longitudinal bars provided in rectangular and circular columns are 4 and 6 respectively
  • In helical reinforced column, the minimum number of longitudinal reinforcement should be six
  • If the effective length of a column is less than three times its lateral dimension, it is generally called a pedestal
  • All the above.


  1. If an element of a stressed body is in a state of pure shear with a magnitude of 80 N/mm2 , the magnitude of maximum principal stress at that location is
  • 80 N/mm2
  • 14 N/mm2
  • 120 N/mm2
  • 57 N/mm2


  1. For quality control of Portland cement, the test essentially done is
  • setting time
  • soundness
  • tensile strength
  • consistency
  • all the above


  1. If the effective plan area of a warehouse is 54 sq. m, and maximum height of piles permitted is 270 cm, the number of cement bags to be stored, is
  • 2000 bags
  • 2200 bags
  • 2400 bags
  • 2700 bags
  • 3000 bags


  1. Cross-staff is used for
  • setting out right angles
  • measuring contour gradient
  • taking levels
  • measuring distances
  • none of these


57.The construction of optical square is based, on the principle of optical

  • reflection
  • refraction
  • double refraction
  • double reflection.


58.Hydration of cement is due to chemical action of water with

  • Tricalcium silicate and dicalcium silicate
  • Dicalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate
  • Tricalcium aluminate and tricalcium alumino ferrite
  • All the above.


  1. The process of proper and accurate measurement of concrete ingredients for uniformity of proportion, is known
  • grading
  • curing
  • mixing
  • batching
  • none of these.


  1. Internal friction between the ingredients of concrete, is decreased by using
  • less water
  • fine aggregates
  • rich mix
  • more water and coarse aggregates
  • none of these.


  1. Water required per bag of cement, is
  • 7 kg
  • 14 kg
  • 21 kg
  • 28 kg
  • 35 kg


  1. The diameter of the Vicat plunger is 10 mm and its length varies from
  • 20 mm to 30 mm
  • 30 mm to 40 mm
  • 40 mm to 50 mm
  • 50 mm to 60 mm
  • none of these
  1. If aggregates completely pass through a sieve of size 75 mm and are retained on a sieve of size 60 mm, the particular aggregate will be flaky if its minimum dimension is less than
  • 5 mm
  • 5 mm
  • 5 mm
  • 5 mm
  • none of these.


(Questions 64-67 are missing)

68. The bulk density of aggregates, depends upon

  • shape
  • grading
  • compaction
  • all the above.


  1. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following :
  • Cement is added to lime mortar to increase its hydraulic properties only
  • Lime surkhi mortar is used for pointing the walls
  • Lime should be slaked before preparing lime mortar
  • High early strength concrete is generally used in cold weather.


  1. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
  • The bottom and top ends of slump mould are parallel to each other
  • The axis of the mould is perpendicular to the end faces
  • The internal surface of the mould is kept clean and free from set cement
  • The mould is in the form of a frustum of hexagonal pyramid 
  • None of these.


  1. The transitional middle portion of a logistic curve follows
  • a geometric growth
  • a logarithmic growth
  • a first over curve
  • a constant rate.


  2. 1:2:4 IS M20 Grade
  3. Portion that transmits load to soil is foundation
  4. For continuous transportation of concrete pumps are used
  5. The aggregate containing moisture in pores and having its surface dry, is known as
  • moist aggregates
  • very dry aggregates
  • dry aggregates
  • saturated surface dry aggregate
  • none of these


  1. Imaginary tangential line through level

78.The fuse large includes

  • passengers chamber
  • pilot’s cabin
  • tail of aircraft
  • all the above


  1. Check lines (or proof lines) in Chain Surveying, are essentially required
  • to plot the chain lines
  • to plot the offsets
  • to indicate the accuracy of the survey work
  • to increase the out-turn


  1. Magnetic Field runs from north to south

81.Dip at equator is zero

82.Unit of force in SI is Newton

  1. The flow of water (mass density = 1000 kg/m3 and kinematic viscosity = 10-6 m2/s) in a commercial pipe, having equivalent roughness ks as 0.12 mm, yields an average shear stress at the pipe boundary = 600 N/m2. The value of ks/δ’ (δ’ being the thickness of laminar sub-layer) for this pipe is
  • 25
  • 50
  • 0
  • 0
  1. 1:6:1 is not a

usual mix

  1. Deflection for STEEL member is

???? L/325??

  1. Slump Is measured in


  1. The degree of workability of concrete and its slump values are given as follows:
  • Very Low 0-25 mm slump.
  • Low 25-50 mm slump.
  • Medium 50-100 mm slump.
  • High 100-150 mm slump.


  1. Controlled Concrete grades are 2 I think


  1. For 1 cumic of 1:2:4  , 5 to 6 bags are required


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BUILDING INSPECTOR DAE CIVIL PPSC BPS-14 https://seismicconsolidation.com/building-inspector-dae-civil-ppsc-bps-14/ https://seismicconsolidation.com/building-inspector-dae-civil-ppsc-bps-14/#respond Mon, 14 Sep 2020 15:01:35 +0000 https://seismicconsolidation.com/?p=2888 1.Height of shower?      80″ (6’8″) | 203 cm above the shower floor.

2.Old barrage of Pakistan?     sukkher indus river sindh

3.Steel stretched after concrete pouring?  post tensioning

4.Concrete stretched before pouring?    pre-tensioning

5. 8×6 which slab it is?    2-way slab

6. World biggest river in the world ? AMAZON AMERICA and longest NILE RIVER EGYPT

7.Sewage pipe dia in building?       150mm

8.Lowest part of sewerage line?      Invert line

9.Direct stress to direct strain ratio?         Young modulus

10.Short column failure?  Crushing 10-30 slenderness ratio by ACI MANUAL

11.Stone material absorb water?     5 %

12.1st ashura of ramzan?                  REHMAT KA ASHRA

13.Saif ullah name of title of?      HAZRAT KHALID BIN WALEED RA

14.Quran reference which hadees?           HADITH SAHIH

15.Plywood made by?    Broken wooden pieces

16.In which condition termites occur in wood? Wood , wood sap,

Moisture. Leaky pipes, improper drainage, and poor airflow all create moisture issues that attract termites. .

17.density of steel     7850 kg/m3

18.Cement grouting for suitable foundation?   Stabilizing falling material

19.Nashaib opposite word?   FARAAZ

20.Hath bitana muhawra?            Helping each other

21.Horizontal distance in cutting filling of canal?  Reduced distance

22.Portion of Septic tank ?    three portion

23.Sur name of shah wali ullah?  Syed Quṭb ad-Dīn Aḥmad Walī Allāh ibn ‘Abd ar-Raḥīm al-‘Umarī ad-Dihlawī sheikh al islam

24.Dealing with contract and owner known as?

25.Which material use in Roman?   Concrete mix with lime

26.Positive bending moment shown as?   sagging

  1. Fromwork used as? Framed structure, vertical member, molding,

28.administration responsibility?

29.Building control temperature? Thermostate / polyester sheets

  1. Indus valley used material? sun-dried and burnt bricks
  2. Which pile used in coffer dam?
  3. Support 2 column footing? Combined
  4. In construction site, near we use

34.which type of temporary structure?

Cofferdam, caisson, well,

  1. Polar moment of inertia? X y      z    centro id
  2. Black cotton soils known as? Highly shrinkage and expansion ,useful for cultivation of cottons fields
  3. UNFAO head of?? ROME ITALY
  4. Length, width and height in which condition?? PWD, MES, Center line English

40 Moisture content of cement?               20%-25%

  1. In run way edge side?? Take off, free , threshold
  2. Angle of repose in water? 0
  3. Angle of cone on the road?
  4. Angle of traffic signal in which degree?? 45 degree
  5. Saqlain mirza is player of? HOCKEY
  6. Canal used Drain of Water from water logged area? DRAINS

46.In office 2016, in which tools water marks appear?     DESIGN TOOL

47.User name and password show dialog box   LOGIN BOX

48.Chip where is use? Computer network, internet , CPU

49.Process of converting lime into hydrated line called

  1. PTI candidate Ikramullah Gandapur killed in suicide attack

51.american senator died in 96 year age name was  john glen junior

  1. Colosseum had seating for more than 50,000 spectators,

53.sequence is 7—-14—-23— 47

54-Natural ventilation  by fresh air passing 1 side tp other side

55-Vitamin E causes nerves and muscles weakness

56-UN permanent member from Pakistan was  patris bukharii

57-Tender is not submitted if this is not attached       security deposit

58-Tribe of hazrat abu baker was      BANNU TAMIMM

59-Which material is hardest?

Steel, aluminium, or copper

60-Which type of form work can be used saveral times?

Steel, wood, concrete or all of them

61-Coffer dam use?

Sheet piles

62-Short cut key of redo is                 ctrl+y or f-4

63-Federal security forces were launched in pakistan by which leader?

Yahya Khan, Ayub Khan, zulficar Ali bhutto

64-Satpara dam     satpara lake skardu gilgit baltistan

65-Deccan plateau s in                       India

66-An unforeseen happening that result. Accident .incident. Etc

67-Earnest money is   2%

68-An important function of management          all of above

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Finalizing the Section drawing of House plan

Guidelines for the designing of House Plans

Introduction to House Plan Part-1

Introduction to House Plan Part-2

Introduction to layers

Khasra Plans

LDA Building plan approval process

Reccomended sizes for house plan components and FAR Requirements

Site Requirements Residential Buildings


Elevations drawing

Section drawing

working with rotated background

Learn AUTOCAD in urdu

Learn AUTOCAD in urdu




how to pan-and-zoom

how to draw-a-line

Creating an array of objects

creating a fillet



CAD Tutorial


AUTOCAD tutorial

autocad Setting a New Drawing & Different Coordinate Systems

Autocad introduction

autocad editing commands

autocad drawing commands

autocad Command Basics

Autocad 3d training manual

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